Inner Child Recovery

Inner child recovery process, also referred to as inner child healing, is a way to address our needs that haven’t been met as children and heal the attachment wounds we’ve developed. We all have a younger part of ourselves that was “never quite loved the right way or the way that little child needed to be loved.” Inner child healing helps reconnect to our authentic selves, teaches us healthy ways to re-parent our wounded child and provides tools and resources to install autonomy and corrective experiences by identifying and integrating the different parts of our personality.

It is often the missing piece to recovery with sex addicts. It helps to answer the burning question for addicts and partners “why”. The Inner child recovery process helps to gather insight, feel and process emotional pain, identify emotional triggers, create healthy emotional connection, stop compulsive/impulsive behaviors, identify patterns of lying, learn how to be mindful and help avoid inwardly thinking and selfishness.